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Gray Elementary School

Home of the Grizzlies

Grizzly Gazette for March 17

Posted Date: 3/16/25 (8:00 PM)

Grizzly Gazette
March 17, 2025
Yellow Tulips with welcome spring message
Welcome Spring!
We hope you had a wonderful spring break soaking up sunshine and making great memories with your loved ones! We look forward to welcoming our Grizzlies back to campus tomorrow for a fantastic week of learning.
March Madness
Attendance Challenge
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our March Attendance Madness competition, which will begin on March 17! This exciting campus-wide challenge encourages students to aim for perfect attendance while having fun along the way. Here’s how it works:

  • Weekly Class Challenges: Each week, classrooms (teams) will compete against one another for the highest attendance percentage. The winning class moves on in the bracket to compete again!
  • The 100% Club: Even if a class loses a weekly challenge, they can still win prizes for having perfect attendance for the week! These students and teachers will earn basketballs for each day with perfect attendance.
Why is Attendance So Important?
Good attendance is linked to higher academic performance and overall success. When students come to school regularly, they’re more likely to stay engaged, perform better in class, and develop lifelong habits of responsibility. We need your help to ensure that your child is here every day, ready to participate and contribute to their class’s success.

How You Can Support Your Child:
  • Ensure your child is at school on time and ready to learn.
  • Encourage a good night’s sleep and a healthy morning routine.
  • Talk to your child about how important their attendance is for their class to succeed in the challenge.
We’re excited for your child to participate in this fun, engaging competition and can’t wait to see all the enthusiasm from students, teachers, and families. Let’s work together to make this a month of perfect attendance and school spirit!

Thank you for your support!
Rules for March Madness
Wear Green- March 17
PREK Event flier with animals
PreK Event Flier with animals in spanish
Yearbook Flier
Order Your Yearbook Here!
Spring Portraits Reminder
Click to Pre-Order Portraits
Grizzly Greatness QR
Nominate for Grizzly Greatness
Child advocates child safety and abuse prevention event flier - March 6
Purchase a Birthday Greeting!
Need a New ID? Purchase Here
early dismissal reminder
Upcoming Important Dates

  • March 17- Wear Green to support new LCISD Green Track!
  • March 20- Pre-K Night Event at Gray
  • March 28- Early Release at 11:45 AM
  • March 28- Spring Portraits
March calendar
No Peanuts Sign
Electronic device policy
Instructional Calendar
Grizzly Guardian FB Page
School Website